nedeľa 30. decembra 2018

Ďalší koniec.

Mám rada tú iróniu, keď na konci roka vidím, čo všetko som pokašlala počas neho. Ale prečo to tak jasne vidím až na konci a nie v priebehu roka, mi zostáva záhadou (nie úplne, ale je ľahšie tváriť sa, že hej.) Chudák 31. december je pre mňa najnepríjemnejší deň roka a celkove mi je z neho hnusne. Takto som ho onálepkovala už dávno a dnes mi je to trochu ľúto. Nemôže predsa za môj uplynulý rok ani za môj život.

Rok 2018 bol rokom príučiek. Veľmi tvrdých, no napriek tomu nemám pocit sklamania, (ktorý som mala celý rok) ale pocit vďačnosti, (ktorý som väčšinu roka nemala). Hanbím sa, pretože veľa vecí, ktoré boli na mojom zozname lessons learnt z predošlých rokov som zistila, že nezvládam a bola som opätovne preskušaná - či úspešne už tentoraz s takou istotou tvrdiť nebudem. Pár príučiek z 2018 si snáď budem pamätať dlho.

Vzťahy. Jednou z príučiek boli vzťahy. Nič nie je viac ako skutočná prítomnosť človeka. Inými slovami byť s niekým v kontakte viac na sociálnej sieti ako v reálnom živote nevytvorí kvalitný vzťah a je jedno, kto je viac zaneprázdnený, lebo ak je raz prioritou s niekým byť, tak by to malo byť naplno a naozaj, inak to môže ísť celé do prdele hneď. Takisto v živote existuje iba áno a nie. V 2019 žiadne "možno" neberiem. "Možno" zatiaľ nikdy nestálo za to.


Pokrytci. V 2018 dominovali ľudia, ktorí hovoria, čo všetko nerobia a čím všetkým nie sú, no v skutočnosti robia a sú pravý opak. Velice simple, ale nejako som na to zabudla. Tiež, som začala počúvať, čo všetko trúbim o sebe do sveta ja a či je to naozaj pravda, alebo si len želám, aby to pravda bola.

Odsudzovanie. Call me Judge Judy. Ok, nikto neodsúdi nikoho tak rýchlo ako ja (shame, shame) a nikto preto ešte nebol tak prekvapený ako ja tohto roku. Až v decembri, keď som bola ja "odsúdená" inými za lož, s ktorou som nemala nič spoločné (a nemala som šancu to vysvetliť), som oľutovala to množstvo ľudí, ktorých som počas rokov bleskurýchle zatriedila s mojím neoblomným úsudkom, pretože som očividne vždy bola vševediaca studnica všetkého a poznala ich príbehy a situácie úplne kompletne a mohla som veselo vynášať súdy (strašný facepalm.)

Pomoc. Pomáhať je super. Rada pomáham. 2018 mi jasne vysvetlil, že pomáhať treba tam, kde si to ľudia pýtajú a nie tam, kde si ako vševedúca studnica všetkého myslím, že zachránim svet. Náhle sa situácia zvrtla a zachrániť som potrebovala ja - životná irónia, ktorá je smiešna len koncom roka.

Držať hubu. Síce som to počúvala celý život, až teraz rozumiem. Vždy som si myslela, že čím viac poviete druhým, tým viac im dávate možnosť, aby vám rozumeli. Logika ne? Ja ti dám informácie o tom ako veci myslím a tak predídem nedorozumeniam, konfliktom, hádkam. Ale nieee. Kto nechce rozumieť, nebude rozumieť a kto chce veľmi ešte aj všetko, čo ste povedali použije proti vám. Proste môže to dopadnúť celé zle. Zásada pre 2019 - mlčať je zlato.

Och, bol to bohatý rok a bohatá ja.

2018 cau a 2019 vitaj.

pondelok 7. mája 2018

We should stay friends

We found each other. I helped you out of a broken place. You gave me comfort.
But falling for you was my mistake. I put you on top. I claimed you so proud and openly and when times were rough, when times were rough I made sure I held you close to me. How would you feel, if I told you I loved you?It's just something that I want to do, I'll be taking my time, spending my life falling deeper in love with you. So tell me that you love me too. I carry you on disillusion. When my pathetic confusion kept me from speaking the truth.
I said I didn't feel nothing baby, but I lie. 'Til you made up your mind you, just wasted my time. "You're a little much for me, you're a liability, you're a little much for me." So he pulls back, makes other plans, I understand, I'm a liability. Get you wild, make you leave. I'm a little much for everyone. 'Cause I got time while he got freedom. 'Cause when a heart breaks no it don't break even. His best days will be some of my worst. While I'm wide awake he's no trouble sleeping. 'Cause when a heart breaks no it don't break even, even, no.
I thought I saw a man brought to life. He was warm, he came around like he was dignified. He showed me what it was to cry. Well you couldn't be that man I adored. You don't seem to know, don't seem to care what your heart is for. No, I don't know him anymore. There's nothin' where we used to lie. Conversation has run dry. That's what's going on. Nothing's fine, I'm torn. I'm all out of faith. This is how I feel, I'm cold and I am shamed. Illusion never changed into something real.

Image result for gif break up

Yeah, is it too late now to say sorry? I reckon he was only looking for a lover to burn. But I gave him my time.Then I put it on pause until the moment was right. Don't fuck with my love. That heart is so cold. All over my arm. I don't wanna know that babe.

First, you think the worst is a broken heart. What's gonna kill you is the second part. And the third, is when your world splits down the middle. And fourth, you're gonna think that you fixed yourself. Fifth, you see them out with someone else. And the sixth, is when you admit that you may have fucked up a little. Oh no there ain't no helping, to remember one's self. 
I need another story. Something to get off my chest. My life gets kinda boring. Need something that I can confess.
Til' all my sleeves are stained red. From all the truth that I've said. Come by it honestly I swear. Thought you saw me wink, no. I've been on the brink, so. Tell me what you want to hear. Something that will light those ears. Sick of all the insincere. I'm gonna give all my secrets away. This time, don't need another perfect lie. Don't care if critics ever jump in line.

Songs used in this article:

Call out my name - The Weeknd
Torn - Natalie Imbruglia
Liability - Lorde
Sorry - Justin Bieber
Wrapped - Gloria Estefan
How would you feel - Ed Sheeran
Don't - Ed Sheeran
Breakeven - The Script
Six degrees of seperation - The Script
Secrets - OneRepublic

piatok 30. marca 2018


(UPOZORNENIE: článoček, teda novinársky prejav nemá hlavu a pätu a obsahuje hejt. Ak sa na to necítite, nečítajte.)

Túžba po slobode nás niekedy uväzní. Verím v to, že všetci sa neúmyselne alebo naopak úmyselne snažíme žiť ten najlepší život (pre nás samých - sebecké svine :*). Lenže tým, že život nie je rozprávka (mne to doplo celkom neskoro, ale chvalabohu doplo) sa často dostávame do rôznych extrémov. Ako žiť ten najlepší život?


Je to tažké a preto ma to baví. 

Väčšinou to ide pokus-omyl. Všetky klišé typu - nezáleží na tom koľkokrát spadneš, ale koľkorát sa postavíš, sú veľmi dôležité. Už len preto, lebo sú pravdivé. Už len preto, že niekedy pomôže ich počuť. 

Čas plynie a my môžeme skúšať a hľadať v rámci našich možností a komfortnej zóny alebo za ňou - hlavne to postnite na FB nech sa teší celé vaše okolie, akí ste fasa a za komfortnou zónou na dovči v Ázii. Motivačné články (toto nie je jeden z nich!) vám väčšinou poradia, čo robiť, aby ste žili lepšie, boli krajší a úprimne viac frustrovaní, čo všetko ešte nie ste a mali by ste byť. ;) Ja ako správny hejter vám poviem, čo robiť nemáte. 

Audrey Hepburn v Breakfast at Tiffany's najlepšie vystihuje väzenie, do ktorého sa uzatvárame. Bola mladá, krásna a uletená - taktiež vystrašená, zbrklá a zmätená. Do niektorých ľudí by sa tieto veci naraz nezmestili, ale tí, ktorí majú citový rozsah väčší ako čajová lyžička (cc. Hermione Granger), pochopia. Na prvý pohľad si Holy (Audrey Hepburn) žije slobodne - randí s kým chce, má nový život v New Yorku môže hľadať samú seba. Neviaže sa na veci, pretože kým si s vecami nebude patriť, nechce ich pomenovávať (napríklad jej kocúr je len kocúr). 
Holy nedovolí, aby ju nejaký muž "vlastnil." V angličtine volá mužov Rats. Je tak veľmi sústredená na svoju slobodu, šťastie a smerovanie života podľa jej predstáv - nezraniť a neklamať sa, že si nevšimne naozajstnú lásku v živote. :) A toto nie je sladký americký grc, ale každenný život všetkých, ktorí sú "slobodní" a pritom sa zvnútra zatvárajú vo svojej vlastnej klietke. 

Ešteže Fred (bubuško, čo ju ľúbi a neni to prašivý zbabelec) jej vytmaví celú situáciu. Keď naňho Holy vreští, že ona nikomu nepatrí a že sa nenechá zavrieť do klietky (parafrazujem silno), Fred jej povie, že sa do nej zatvára sama. Bum. Pau. Konec. Vysvetlí jej, že on ju chce milovať a to je najväčšia sloboda. Nechce ju zväzovať vo vzťahu, ale práve s ňou žiť tú slobodu, ktorú si obaja zaslúžia. Len pre ujasnenie Fred tiež nie je žiadny svatoušek, ale silu vedieť, čo chce mu nemôžeme uprieť. 

Ok, fakt, že on sa namáha, aby jej to vysvetlil, ide za ňou a nevykašle sa na ňu, je trošku filmový. Tiež to, že jej to dopne a sú nakoniec spolu je nereálny, ale aspoň, že filmyy sú také. :) 

Moje brutálne posolstvo z tohto citovo-klišoidno-nezmyselného kňučania o vlastnej slobode je že pozrite si Breakfast at Tiffany's a zamyslite sa nakoľko si myslíte, že ste slobodní a okej sami so sebou. Niekedy si môžeme myslieť, ako nám to ide a ako sa chránime pred bolesťou aj niekoľko rokov a potom už bude neskoro. Viete, málokto je s vekom krajší (srandujem). 

Osobne som pred pár mesiacmi spravila rozhodnutie žiť naplno prítomnosť aj keď to bude znamenať, že sa zraním, pretože chrániť sám seba pred niečím stále, nie je moc zábava. 

Nájdite svoju slobodu, držím palce. :)

sobota 8. júla 2017

Stop playing (emotional) games (with the ones you like)

Maybe you consider the headline nasty and you may think it should state only "stop playing games." Well, for my defense I have to say that life is often nasty and you have to fight and the fighting sometimes includes playing games. The aim of this article is to analyse these games that women often take part in and bring closer the hidden meaning of this mean behaviour.

Playing games doesn't necessarily mean she is a b*tch. Women are in general more emotional than men and usually a bit more dramatic. Playing games or treating someone like he's a toy is not nice - it's awful. But sometimes we don't know what drives her or him to such actions. There are thousands of different situations that come up in life and drive people to act not in the best way.


I will talk about relationships. The whole game of getting to know someone new, flirting and maybe wanting  a relationship is a complicated process, when you have many options how to act. Firstly you probably want to be pictured in the best way possible to be attractive and funny and other stuff. At the same time (in case you're not super naive) you are careful not to be too much into it, we are often scared to get hurt or played. While trying to stay cool and one step ahead it may happen that you became a bit manipulative. Mainly when you want to predict the action of the other person. This is the point where you start playing the game. When you do not put the "whole heart" into the new something that may grow into relationship you don't play only with the other person but with yourself too.

The fear is usually that jerk making us to act in such way. But that's a poor excuse. We should be responsible for our action, for manipulating someone emotionally, for not being serious with someone who is serious about us. No one would like to be played himself, to be treated like he is liked and suddenly being dumped. The emotional mess is a tough thing to clean. When you don't know what you want and sometimes even don't know, what you don't want. 

Ego is one factor responsible for playing games. The sooner you're aware of pumping your ego by gathering people who might adore you and you don't give a sh*t about them, the sooner you will be able to be real to people, to yourself and stop acting like selfish desperate idiot. If you need to feel important you have to somehow make it up with yourself and stop seeking it other way. To be OK with yourself is the hardest thing (I think) and it is everyday work for the rest of our life. Being b*tchy won't help, trust me.

The general rule is - don't treat others the way you wouldn't like to be treated. Simple and true. "It's complicated" is one of  the very frequent ways to excuse the manipulating when your're confused. To be confused is OK, manipulate and know about it is not. There is not such a thing as a recipe for being always true and perfect. The only way is to be as honest as possible. 

If you like him, show him. If you don't want to be in contact say it, and when you are just a bored b*tch shame on you. 

Love, peace.


streda 23. marca 2016

Don't want to be here? Leave.

Forget the introduction, I am too irritated to keep any proper way of writing this post. After last
year´s scandal with expressing too much via FB status, I´ll try to be more diplomatic this time.

I do enjoy studying. Really I do. Maybe it is hard to imagine that someone actually likes studying in Slovakia, I mean we know the education system here is not the best. As I always say it is about trying to do things better.

My university is not perfect. But people who teach there (most of them) are really great, supportive and I see the effort to share the knowledge and their own experience. The value of their help and support is priceless. Sharing internship opportunity, sharing job opportunity, they even bring a professional for the class to teach us more. How great is that?

Unfortunately, not everyone sees it this way. Some students are not interested in studying at all, but
it´s for free so they have to try it. After the first year, they find out the school is not exactly what they expected. So. Do they quit? No. And here we go why am I sooo irritated.

Why would you continue in something you partially hate? Because your parents want it? Because it is for free? Because you are so bored and have nothing better to do with you leisure time?


Oh, maybe I forgot to mention that this article is written with a slight trace of disgust and hate, so if you can´t stand this or you answered to previous questions positively, stop reading NOW.

OK. Yesterday we had a morning class joined by professional from famous newspapers. Out of 18, students only 7 showed up. It is a shame. The whole lecture was for free, we could ask whatever we were curious about and there was a discussion too. I feel bad to be ashamed of something that is not my fault. The highlight of the awkward moments was when I followed the gaze of the lecturer to see my classmate was eating her breakfast..really loudly. I whispered: Get rid of it please.. and she said angrily: I haven't had my breakfast yet!


The next thing is about the attitude. While we (students who actually want to be there) are sharing classes with students who don't care it is hard to focus. Almost every lecture starts with teacher asking: Where is the rest of you? Will they join us? Why are they missing? What happened?
Well, I guess I know. How would it sound if I said: They hate to study here sorry. So they skipped the class today and they are having fun in a pub instead of sitting here. I can't do that because it's none of my business.

Also, it is really uncomfortable when they are at school. They don't do assignments for classes so they are always unprepared and argue with teacher or moan how horrible this school is. It is so embarrassing to sit there and listen to that. It is impossible to ignore it. Another thing is when they eat during class,  fix their make-up during class, or comb each other hair. I am not kidding.

When the rare moment of interest comes it is the time when they comment on the political situation in our country or they say to our professor that she looks like a punker. Seriously.

The funniest thing is our dialog when I start to be really angry.
Me:Can you be quiet, please? You are interrupting everyone.
They: If you have problem leave.
Me: I am good, thank you. You leave.

And this goes on and on. Whose fault is this? Who is responsible for this mess? I won't judge anyone. I think the adult people should be responsible themselves.  The university should choose students properly. Is it laziness or old-fashioned of Slovak educational system?
Maybe more important is what are we doing (not) with our lives? In this little country full of possibilities. My only point is I am tired of this.

štvrtok 5. marca 2015

Can men and women be just friends?

Have you ever wondered about the possibility of being just friends with opposite gender? I don't consider it as something that people usually look for. It just happens and not everytime it ends very well. Yes, and here comes the question. Why?

How is it possibe that even when you swear to yourself at the beginnig of the friendship with person of opposite gender that nothing is going to happen, something always happens? The answer is simple: We're just humans.
Ok, for me it's not enough. Why it never works out?

Because of attraction? Passion? What is it?

Four years ago, I saw an interesting video made by University of Utah which followed this problem. It was some kind of a research among university students.(video.) My point is that in this video, there was a big difference between girls and boys answers. Guess what was the difference... Who said that it is possible and who said it's not? Yeah, you're right. Mainly girls were sure about the possibility of being just friends with a boy and boys thought the opposite.


Maybe the question that should have been asked is not if it's possible to stay just friends, but what are both sides true intentions at the beggining of the friendship. There are many ways how to fall into this kind of relationship. Let's talk about them and maybe it will bring us closer to this mystery.

 1. Friends since chilhood.

It's quite a common thing, isn't it? For sure you have or had a friend from chilhood with whom you shared secrets and had lots of fun. Very often it turns against you. You fall in love and you are friendzoned because you don't want to be brokenhearted or lose someone you love, so you keep on pretending friendship. In adulthood you remember that but it doesn't count because you were children. So you lie to yourself that now, when you are grown up, you see into these things better and you can control your emotions and keep the friendship going well. It's not going to work.

2. The second caterogy I am going to describe is 'schoolmates, collegues and friends of yours friends.'

Don't roll your eyes! What a great feeling to share similar thoughts or have fun with someone new... I know, I know...You get closer and closer, you start to spend time together, text all the time and things like this. Your first intention shouldn't be to fall in love but it can happen very fast! I'll tell you when. At that moment when you start telling yourself: 'He/She is just a friend, nothing more.' And here we go. Trouble.

3. Can your Ex be your friend?

'I don't love you anymore but can we stay friends?' No, darling we can't!
Don't give me that look, I am going to explain.When you split up with someone you loved it's so complicated and full of doubts - like how do you really feel about that person even after some years. Complicated.

Maybe you think I ruined every possibility of being 'just friends.' I didn't. So in what case you can stay 'just friends'?
It happens only sometimes and there are only two ways how it happens:

The first one - if there is no attraction . No, chemistry, no real love - I don't mean it like if he or she is your type. No, it's about chemistry. Simply - chemistry is a part of love. (Of course you can love him or her for his or her soul).

The second one - keep the reasonable distance. It works. Particularly when he or she is in a relationship, you take responsiblity for your behviour, as not to provocate or hurt them, and hurt yourself in the process.
We often push things and act really stupid even when we are realazing it. Don't do that.

So what is the answer? Does friendship between man and woman exist?
I think the answer is yes. Unfortunately you never know how long it will last. It is one of the most wonderful things in the world. These kinds of friendships can last for years or end up after one month. There is no way of protecting yourself. But there is one thing you can do and it's the same in all kinds of relationships: always be honest with yourself and you will be happier than you might have evert thought.

piatok 23. januára 2015

Fashion outlook (no. 1) What. to. wear.

Čo si obliecť

Úprimne väčšine ľudí to jedno nie je. A nie je to jedno ani tebe, ani mne. Čo si obliecť je často až zahanbujúcou dilemou, keď zrátame koľko času strávime pred otvorenou skriňou a tupím zízaním na šatstvo v nej.

Oblečenie a teda samotná móda je istým spôsobom sebavyjadrenia a nášmu JA dodáva rám (v povrchnom zmysle slova).

Ok. To máme tie teoretické rečičky.
Ak si flegma, ktorej je jedno čo má na sebe, alebo extrémne teplákový týpek, prestaň čítať TERAZ.

Heslo "hlavne pohodlne" je podľa mňa blbosť, lebo až neuveriteľné percento z nás si pre módu vytrpí svoje. Povedzme si na rovinu, že dojem je niekedy väčšou satisfakciou ako pohodlie.

Fashion outlook sa nebude hrať na módneho diktátora, ale bude inšpiráciou a mojím pohľadom na svet módy. Fashion outlook priblíži skvostné výtvory svetových návrhárov a rovnako aj high street značiek.

Na úvod - Detaily tvoria celok.

Detailom nenazývam len doplnky (kabelky, opasky, šperky...), ale aj strih, farbu a materiál. Tieto detaily určujú trendy každej sezóny. Dominantným prvkom pre rok 2015 bude haute couture a najmä módny dom Dior prepája minulosť s blízkou budúcnosťou. Haute couture je o detailoch a kvalite, ktoré dotvárajú celok.

Emma Watson a Haute Couture

Kabelka od Diora (2015)

Niekoľko doplnkov pre radosť

YSL clutch bag

 Casual look doplnený koženou kabelkou vyzdvihne celok.
 Čiapka a tenisky sú dominantné.

Dobre, Prada nikdy nič nepokazí.

Pre inšpiráciu ku každodennému rozhodovaniu, alebo na doplnenie vášho wishlistu followujte

je to úplný základ. 
Na záver slávny výrok, ktorý pozná každý fashionista.;)


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