Maybe you consider the headline nasty and you may think it should state only "stop playing games." Well, for my defense I have to say that life is often nasty and you have to fight and the fighting sometimes includes playing games. The aim of this article is to analyse these games that women often take part in and bring closer the hidden meaning of this mean behaviour.
Playing games doesn't necessarily mean she is a b*tch. Women are in general more emotional than men and usually a bit more dramatic. Playing games or treating someone like he's a toy is not nice - it's awful. But sometimes we don't know what drives her or him to such actions. There are thousands of different situations that come up in life and drive people to act not in the best way.
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I will talk about relationships. The whole game of getting to know someone new, flirting and maybe wanting a relationship is a complicated process, when you have many options how to act. Firstly you probably want to be pictured in the best way possible to be attractive and funny and other stuff. At the same time (in case you're not super naive) you are careful not to be too much into it, we are often scared to get hurt or played. While trying to stay cool and one step ahead it may happen that you became a bit manipulative. Mainly when you want to predict the action of the other person. This is the point where you start playing the game. When you do not put the "whole heart" into the new something that may grow into relationship you don't play only with the other person but with yourself too.
The fear is usually that jerk making us to act in such way. But that's a poor excuse. We should be responsible for our action, for manipulating someone emotionally, for not being serious with someone who is serious about us. No one would like to be played himself, to be treated like he is liked and suddenly being dumped. The emotional mess is a tough thing to clean. When you don't know what you want and sometimes even don't know, what you don't want.
The fear is usually that jerk making us to act in such way. But that's a poor excuse. We should be responsible for our action, for manipulating someone emotionally, for not being serious with someone who is serious about us. No one would like to be played himself, to be treated like he is liked and suddenly being dumped. The emotional mess is a tough thing to clean. When you don't know what you want and sometimes even don't know, what you don't want.
Ego is one factor responsible for playing games. The sooner you're aware of pumping your ego by gathering people who might adore you and you don't give a sh*t about them, the sooner you will be able to be real to people, to yourself and stop acting like selfish desperate idiot. If you need to feel important you have to somehow make it up with yourself and stop seeking it other way. To be OK with yourself is the hardest thing (I think) and it is everyday work for the rest of our life. Being b*tchy won't help, trust me.
The general rule is - don't treat others the way you wouldn't like to be treated. Simple and true. "It's complicated" is one of the very frequent ways to excuse the manipulating when your're confused. To be confused is OK, manipulate and know about it is not. There is not such a thing as a recipe for being always true and perfect. The only way is to be as honest as possible.
If you like him, show him. If you don't want to be in contact say it, and when you are just a bored b*tch shame on you.
Love, peace.